Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Li'l Miss Keegan

Li'l Miss Keegan, originally uploaded by fashionpassion2u.

Here is an adorable little tote that I recently made for a little friend. She picked it all out and I thought it was so.. cute! The liner is pink/white gingham and pink grosgrain ribbon closure. I would have liked to try pink rick rack at bottom. But hers looks great, I think! My picture is lopsided, does not do justice! But what a talented preschooler to pick this out! She wants an IPOD carrying case to match! Any ideas? I have never done this!

Hope all of you are having a great week!

Sunday, January 7, 2007

YEAH, I finally did it!!!

I found a way to post pictures! I feel so completed over something so small, but I am so excited!! This is one of my favorite pics from the holidays, some of the family kids; actually sitting still!!


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

2007- New start to blogging!

One of my big "to do" items in 2007 is to commit to blogging more. More time and patience are needed and I am going to try this better! I love the blog world!!! I think it is so awesome and what a great group of people! However, you all have got to understand (this is not a whine session, just facts); I live in the far end of Egypt (rural farm in VA.). Due to that I have direct dial up, one phone line, 2 teenage girls, not the greatest photo system, and all of this ends up taking so much time for me just to down load 1 picture. I have got to have my pictures if I am going to blog. I am visual and I love that aspect of blogging! Anyway, I aim to commit better or improve my negativities somehow in this area! I am working on it!

Hey, I hope you all had a great holiday season!!! I did! I felt like there was no time in preparing and it went by so fast, but it was still nice! I want all of you to have a happy & healthy 2007. so far mine has been great!! I have taken 2 weeks off from sewing and crafting. WOW! that has never happened before, but let me tell you the creative juices and projects are flowing. I can not wait to get back to it tomorrow! I was so blessed to get as an unexpected present a quilting machine. YEAH!! I am such a blessed girl! I cant wait to try it! Totally unexpected and totally cool!!!

Well, to all of you have a great week & a great 2007!!!!!!!!!