Monday, December 4, 2006

Time is drawing nearer!!!!! The Countdown is well on!!

Boy, time is drawing closer and closer to that glorious day of Christmas! I love it, I love this time of year! However, time is going by even quicker than normal, I need more time!!! Does everyone else feel that way! I have so many goals and things to do, but can not get to 1/2 of them? I do not understand, but we will get through it and it will all be here & then gone. Remembering precious memories and good times! I wanted to post, but do not have time for updates or pictures. But wanted you all to see the kids from Thanksgiving!!! Hope everyone is enjoying this season!!!!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

The Day of First Posts

I have never blogged before. This is scary, but new and exciting. I hope if anyone out there reads this, they will comment. I am rather boring on my first post. No pretty pictures, No poetic wisdom, just getting over the hump of doing this for the first time. I assure there will be much more to come and I can NOT wait to have fun! I have to thank Autum Hall for asking everyone to delurk themselves a week or so ago. OR>>> I would have never done this that I am doing! I hope you all have a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving!!! If you are traveling, please be careful! If you are having guests to you, well still be careful! Family visitors can be just as arousing as highway traveling! I want to give a shout out to my 1st and fav cousin JEN, who is riding the Polar Express train from Florida to Virginia today!!

OH, by the way I have a passion for fashion, but I have just as much of a passion for TURKEY!! Dont eat too much!! I love you all and am thankful to have you all in my life!